1st Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence


In Bari, Italy with AI*IA2017

[apologies for cross-postings]


1st Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence (NL4AI)
at the 6th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA2017)
Bari, Italy, November 14-17, 2017
Website: http://sag.art.uniroma2.it/NL4AI/


Paper submission deadline: July 25, 2017 (11:59pm Hawaii time)
Notification of paper acceptance: September 4, 2017
Camera-ready version deadline: October 1, 2017
Workshop (at AI*IA 2017): November 14-17, 2017


The goal of the workshop “Natural Language for Artificial Intelligence” (NL4AI) is to explore the area situated at the intersection between Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Even though we acknowledge the existence of a promising ground where these two disciplines can benefit from each other, we also believe this area is not only “populated” of technological challenges that, at turn, make one discipline play an ancillary role for the other. In fact, we believe that at the crossroad between NLP and AI, new technological paradigms rise from a cross-fertilization where each discipline makes a equal contribution: these resulting methodologies and technologies can change our reality and their societal impact has not yet been fully- fledged.


We invite papers that pertain to the workshop theme including but not limited to:


Position and Short paper: 6 pages
Demos: 6 pages
Long papers: 12 pages

We encourage submissions that describe new theoretical models, applied techniques, and research in progress. However, contributions that have been already published or presented in other locations are welcomed. Depending if the authors transferred the right of publishing their work exclusively to a specific editor (e.g. IEEE/ACM conferences and journals), we might not be able to include the submission into the proceedings. In such a case, the work will be only mentioned in the proceedings.

Submissions should be prepared according to the main conference format (Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science). All submissions should be written in English and submitted as PDF. Submissions will be peer reviewed (single- blind) by the program committee members. Evaluation criteria will include novelty, significance for theory/practice, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. All the submissions should be submitted via EasyChair:


At least one author of an accepted paper must attend the workshop to present the work. The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings via CEUR Workshop Proceedings. We will also consider editing a special issue on The Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics (http://www.ai-lc.it/it/rivista) after the workshop by encouraging the participants to extend their papers.

PC MEMBERS (Confirmed)