President: Marianna Apidianaki, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Secretary: Tiago Timponi Torrent, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Executive Board:
Vice-President Elect*: Massimo Poesio, Queen Mary University, UK and University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Vice-Secretary Elect*: Steven Schockaert, Cardiff University, UK
SIGLEX Section Representatives on the Executive Board:
MWE section: Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Institutul de Cercetări pentru Inteligență Artificială “Mihai Drăgănescu”, Romania
SemEval section: Xiaodan Zhu, Queen’s University, Canada
*Note: The Vice-President Elect and the Vice-Secretary Elect will automatically become the President and the Secretary of the following SIGLEX board that will start in August 2024 and thus these positions require a four-year commitment.