Multiword Expressions: from Theory to Applications (MWE 2010)

In Beijing, China with COLING 2010

Endorsed by SIGLEX.

Multiword Expressions (MWEs) are a ubiquitous component of natural languages and appear steadily on a daily basis, both in specialized and in general-purpose communication. While easily mastered by native speakers, their interpretation poses a major challenge for automated analysis due to their flexible and heterogeneous nature. Therefore, the automated processing of MWEs is desirable for any natural language application that involves some degree of semantic interpretation, e.g., Machine Translation, Information Extraction, and Question Answering.

In spite of the recent advances in the field, there is a wide range of open problems that prevent MWE treatment techniques from full integration in current NLP systems. In MWE 2010, we will be interested in major challenges in the overall process of MWE treatment, asking for original research related but not limited to the following topics: MWE resources, hybrid approaches, domain adaptation and multilingualism